Why Rebounding is good for you

NASA has done a lot of research on rebounding exercise. When you’re in space without gravity, you begin to lose your bone tissue and muscle tissue. Rebounding exercise is designed to counter these problems.

Rebounding exercise is essentially jumping on a trampoline.

There are quite a few benefits of rebound exercises. Rebounding:

• Is convenient

• Helps mobility

• Help posture

• Helps balance

• Helps fear of falling

• Reduces risk of osteoporosis

• Stimulates the thyroid and lymphatic system

The biggest benefit is its ability to stimulate the lymphatic system. Some of the plasma in your blood leaks out of your tissues and goes into the lymphatic system. This means that the lymph in your lymphatic system is made up of plasma along with other substances. The plasma eventually returns to the bloodstream.

Interestingly, your lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump as the vascular system does. This means that you have to move your body for your lymph to circulate your body.

Aside from transporting plasma, the lymphatic system has two other significant roles: to support the immune system and to transport fat throughout the body.

When you consume dietary fat, it goes through the lymphatic system. Since fat and water do not mix, your body has to package the fat—using something called chylomicrons—in a way that it can be transported easily through the lymph fluid.

From there, the fat is carried throughout the body to be used for energy and the creation of hormones, cells, and bile. Many people have found that rebounding exercise has restored their energy. This is the true benefit of rebound exercise.

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