what is resist and why should we be doing it?
RESIST is a resistance based training class choreographed to music and delivered in a darkened air conditioned room.
In this class we use a combination of body weight exercises and various pieces of small equipment for added challenge to sculpt and tone your body! We have the best dance tunes; both old and new; to get you pumped up and into the fitness party zone! Expect to Sweat, Smile and Burn!
Resistance training is absolutely vital for everyone, it is an essential part of a well-rounded health and fitness programme. Muscle tone and development increases your metabolic rate, supports good joint health and enables us to live independent, full and active life styles.
Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the rate at which your body burns calories, whilst cardio training burns calories at the time of exercising; the most effective way to increase your BMR is through resistance based training. Whether performing body weight exercises such as squats, lifting weights or using resistance bands and tubes; resistance training not only creates muscle tone making you look better it substantially increases your BMR making it the most effective tool for weight loss!
help protect your joints from injury and improve your balance.
Resistance training can help you do everyday activities more easily and maintain your independence as you age
help you manage or lose weight by increasing your metabolism and burning more calories at rest
Resistance training creates lean muscle tone and definition so you look better!
benefits of Resistance training!
- Increases Metabolism – Resistance training actually keeps your metabolism active for longer than aerobic exercise! When your workout has finished your metabolic rate continues to spike for around 48 hours! This is known as the ‘Afterburn Effect’
- Increases Metabolism – the more ‘muscle mass’ you have the more calories your body will burn when at rest, so with every increase in muscle definition your body will consume more calories 24/7
- Improves Insulin Sensitivity – Resistance training improves muscle strength, which leads to improved insulin sensitivity
- Controls Blood Sugar Levels – Increasing muscle mass improves how your body uses insulin and helps control blood sugar levels, because larger muscles can process more glucose
- Reduces Risk of Injury – Strong muscles, ligaments and tendons act like a brace to support and protect joints
- Reduces Risk of Falls – and improves balance reduces the risk
- Reduces Joint Pain – Strength training can help reduce pain, stiffness, and swelling in joints; strength training encourages the body to increase joint synovial fluid production
- Improves Joint Function and Mobility – Moving your joints through their full range of motion increases blood circulation; delivering nutrients to the join membrane
- Falls Prevention – Stronger leg and ankle muscles improve your balance and stronger muscles overall react more quickly which help prevent falls
- Improves Posture – Performing unilateral exercises correct muscular and postural imbalances and resistance training reverses muscle deterioration to correct posture
- Increases Bone Density – Resistance training helps to increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis
- Improves Brain Function – Resistance training increased the release of neurotrophic factors that promote the growth of neurones. In a study of over 65’s strength training improved cognitive function
- Improves Heart Health – Research and studies show regular resistance training can decrease blood pressure and lower LDL cholesterol

what to I need to bring with me?
- A bottle of water
- Possibly a sweat towel
- Your sense of FUN!
- If this is your first class have you completed the Health Questionnaire?
what do I need to wear?
- Appropriate and suitable fitness attire such as leggings or shorts and a t-shirt or vest.
- Appropriate training shoes (trainers) must be worn throughout the class, please ensure they are properly fastened.